The people platform for leadership

One platform to gather your employee master data and automate time-consuming work.
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Enable productivity and growth

Whether you're running a global enterprise or just starting out, scaling your business is difficult when manual processes are holding you back. With AlexisHR, you can save time and money by consolidating your people operations under one roof. Reduce administration and pave the way for reaching goals, executing strategies and delivering results.

Reviews & goals

Improve performance

Open the door for continuous development and meaningful conversations with Reviews & Goals in Alexis. Use ready-made review templates to get started quickly or customize them to meet the needs of your organization.
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Employee master data

Visualize your organization

Don't waste time searching for data in different tools and sheets. Gather employee data centrally and easily outline your entire organization. Alexis’ Master Data Management ensures that your data is securely stored and easy to access.
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Tryggt & säkert

Confidential & secure

Lagra och hantera medarbetarnas personuppgifter i ett system som skyddar er data med hög säkerhet och i linje med GDPR. Kontrollera vem som har tillgång till vad med skräddarsydda roller, läsrättigheter och flexibla kontoinställningar.
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ROI calculation

Beräkna värdet av Alexis

Spara tid och pengar med AlexisHRs kostnadseffektiva lösningar. Testa vår ROI-kalkylator för att se hur mycket ni kan spara på att automatisera era personalprocesser.
The ROI Calculator

Vill du veta mer? 

Kontakta oss gärna för att ta reda på hur Alexis HR-plattform hjälper medarbetare, chefer och HR att spara massor av tid.

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