Hire & onboard with Alexis and Teamtailor

Streamline your recruiting and onboarding processes. Connect Alexis with Teamtailor to save time, avoid bottlenecks and boost productivity when growing.
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Förbätta medarbetarupplevelsen

Attracting and retaining employees is difficult in today’s competitive landscape. Top candidates can be off the market in just a couple of days. Don’t let administrative work slow you down. With Alexis and Teamtailor, you can spend less time on manual tasks and more time on activities that matter.

Så fungerar det

Pick the perfect candidate

Source and hire candidates via Teamtailor

Sync Teamtailor with Alexis 

Easily import the candidate and create a profile in AlexisHR

Start the onboarding journey

When you’re ready, start the onboarding of your new colleague

Quick and simple

Bye bye copy paste

Once you have found the perfect match for your role, seamlessly move the candidate from hiring in Teamtailor to onboarding in Alexis. No more copy-pasting, correcting errors or cleaning up data.
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Kom igång innan första dagen

Undvik långsamma processer och flaskhalsar genom att snabbt och enkelt skapa en profil i Alexis. Signera anställningsavtalet och börja pre- eller onboarding för att samla in viktig information. Ge er nya kollega ett varmt välkomnande och inblick i ert företag innan deras första dag.
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Onboarding templates to get you started

Create custom templates for different teams and make sure that all employees get off to a good start. Build workflows and delegate tasks across the organization. Alexis will keep you on-track with notifications and reminders.
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Vill du veta mer? 

Kontakta oss gärna för att ta reda på hur Alexis HR-plattform hjälper medarbetare, chefer och HR att spara massor av tid.

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