
Sysarb is a tool that supports you in everything from job evaluation to in-depth salary analysis and salary comparisons.

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Salary Benchmarking



Pay Equity Analysis is not rocket science, we call it data science! Our platform will give you profound insights into your organization around salary and gender equality. Our goal is to make you as an employer aware of potential challenges and give you recommendations of how to tackle them, moving your organization towards an equal workplace.

Key features

Carrying out a Pay Equity Analysis is the very best way to secure equal salaries within your organization. Our tool supports you throughout the process, in everything from job evaluation to in-depth salary analysis and salary comparisons. It also allows you to experiment with salary levels directly in the tool—with a complete final report as a result.


Pay Equity Analysis – Explore our innovative tool for pay equity analysis with job evaluation, automated analysis with artificiell intelligence and documentation.
Pay Insights – Analyze your salaries internally and benchmark with external market salary data.
Pay Management – Our tool for salary setting, including performance management, employee management and salary discussion.

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