
Ravio’s compensation platform provides the most relevant and reliable talent market insights across the total compensation package — view salary, variable, equity, benefits, and diversity benchmarks. Make building a high performing team the easiest part of your growth journey. Empower your teams to make efficient budgeting and compensation decisions, always in line with current market trends. Get instant access to the most comprehensive set of real-time total compensation benchmarks - powered by fast-growing European tech companies.

Special offer

1 Year: free access to Benchmarking (selected markets); 15% off Benchmarking & Salary Bands (all markets)*.
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Partner type

Both integrated & affiliated


Salary benchmark




*To explore market pricing, visit https://ravio1.notion.site/Pricing-Status-6ac45be383d34fd4b6df2b3c439771b7. To begin and learn more about eligibility criteria, apply through Ravio at ravio.com/partners/alexis-hr and use the discount code RN5G7C.

Key features

Why Ravio? Busy HR and Total Reward leaders use Ravio to abandon stressful guesswork and spreadsheets frozen in time. Go straight to the source of real-time total compensation benchmarking, salary bands, and market trends – all with Europe’s most comprehensive data set. From high-growth startups like Blinkist, Signal AI, and Agorapulse, to hypergrowth unicorns like Delivery Hero, Enpal, DeepL and Wayflyer, European tech trusts Ravio to accelerate compensation review processes, confidently communicate compensation, and lead the way in pay fairness and transparency.


Build total compensation and salary bands that grow with you - Build a total compensation package for candidates and employees including base salary, variable pay and equity. Ravio also makes it easy to view, analyse, refresh, and share salary bands that are continuously calibrated against Europe’s most reliable talent market data
Optimise headcount budget - Efficiently allocate headcount budget across departments, countries, and expertise levels.
Unlock strategic expansion goals - Understand what it takes to efficiently hire a team in a new country using reliable benchmark guidance for salaries, benefits, and equity for 50+ roles in over 15 European countries.

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